On Sunday, the hubs and I celebrated our first anniversary! It’s hard to believe it’s already been one year since we stood in a garden in front of our friends and family to say our vows.

I’m maintaining some degree of anonymity on here, so you only get teaser pics. Sorry! These were taken by my incredibly talented sister-in-law, aka mother to the best nephews ever.

I saw countless debates on wedding blogs about whether your wedding day should be the best day of your life. I understand the feeling that life shouldn’t be OVER after a wedding, but I will say this: the day we married was my best and happiest day so far. It wasn’t perfect, but it felt beautiful.

We didn’t go on a big trip (somehow that happens when you quit your job to go back to school), but we had a wonderful time celebrating our first year of married life. We went to our favorite brunch spot for eggs benedict and mimosas, exchanged gifts, got teary eyed over cards (okay, maybe that was just me), ate crazy good anniversary cupcakes, and then had a delicious anniversary dinner. I went with the traditional first anniversary gift of paper: I spent a lot of time crafting him a card similar to this one, and then because he’s a huge comic book fan I got him his own custom comic book cover from In Toon. His super hero name is now The Amazing Cajun, and I’m sorely tempted to make that his new blog nickname. I had no idea that he was going in a similar (but even better) direction with my gift: a custom piece of art showing us on our wedding day surrounded by sketches of special wedding mementos. Yes, I completely melted.

At the end of the night, we braved the top wedding  cake tier (this pic was taken after being smooshed into a box by the catering people and then spending months in my maid of honor’s freezer, but before being chopped small enough to transport in my suitcase last time I went home). It looked pretty ugly, but we were shocked to discover that it tasted GOOD. Isn’t year old wedding cake supposed to be stale and horrible?

Thanks for putting up with my sentimental ramblings! I hope you have lots of love and beauty in your lives this week.